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Elaine and Susan arrived in a vintage Rolls-Royce. The chauffeur helped them out, and they walked hand in hand to the centre of the courtyard, and then turned right into the restaurant, where a small dais had been set up.Because it was February everyone was dressed fairly warmly, but still Susan and Elaine both looked stunning. Elaine's dark blue dress was cut on the bias with a diagonal hem, her blonde hair was still up and crowned by a delicate gold tiara. Susan wore a lighter blue, with both. Stewart, that was unprofessional of me," she said."Don't sweat it, you sneak a look, I sneak a look, we're even," I said. "You're gorgeous; I'm surprised the pilots aren't chasing you around the airplane the whole flight." Oh, that's a big no-no," she told me. "Fraternizing with the flight attendant gets them shipped to Antarctica."I grinned at her before shutting the door behind me. I used the toilet and then to gave myself a quick wash. I wet down my bed-head hair and tried to get it to look. On Sunday we invited Mike and Sandy and a few other neighbors over for a cook out. The gathering started out with all of the women huddled together on the deck and the men standing around the beer cooler talking about sports and telling jokes. Mike turned out to be a likable guy with good social skills and a good sense of humor. I actually felt a little guilty about the lust I felt for his wife.Later on in the day as the drinks had loosened everyone up I found myself alone with Sandy. I tried. They reached Vince's office. Terri politely knocked. "Come on in!"They entered the room and found Vince working at his desk. He stood up quickly. Terri noticed a bulge around the crotch area. "Hey Vince. We worked real hard yesterday and we want to show you what we learned," said Terri.Vince gulped and smiled. "Well show me." To his surprise, they began stripping down til they were in their birthday suits. "Hey! Hey! What the hell is this?"Terri smiled and winked. "You'll see." Torrie and Stacy.
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