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The soft fabric I felt against my skin and lightly tentedpanties reminded me that I was wearing a nightie, and as I realized whatday it was, I felt my heart begin to beat rapidly in fear, excitement,and anxiety, but I couldn't place whether it was fear about today andexcitement that my ordeal was over, or excitement about today and fearabout what came next.The last few weeks had been a rollercoaster of emotions I was barelyprepared to process now, let alone in those moments then. My. “I kind of fantasized I was already off my birth control when you climaxed, and you were breeding me as your little slave girl. Could we try that again when I actually can get pregnant?”I chuckled as I shook my head. “I don’t see why not. I did something similar for Sonia during her fertile days, although it was just a few swats with the crop. So, I’m assuming it wasn’t too hard for a play spanking?”“No, it was wonderful, Master. You know how you ask for feedback in the playroom, so you can. Once away, she told me how much she loved me and wanted me continue. Although it didn't take a lot of convincing with me having a raging hard on kneeling between her beautiful, wide-spread legs."When this guy started working two fingers into mom's butt," she continued, "I thought she was going to get pissed. But instead, she started moving back and forth like she was trying to get his fingers deeper. Then she told him she wanted to feel his cock up her ass. He pulled out of her pussy and spit. He listened as her cries started to sound more and more like moans. ‘Claire? Are you actually enjoying your punishment? You whore.’ He scoffed. ‘Nnnno, sir. Of course not!’ She panted. Clearly lying. ‘Do you think it’s wise to lie to your teacher?’ He paused for a moment, and admired the sight that lay before him. A sweet young teenager bent over his desk. Legs pressed tightly together, giving him just a suggestion of the shape of her pussy, peeking out underneath her sore red cheeks. .
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