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I was patiently waiting outside my wife's dressing room, just like the other husbands and boyfriends were doing. I could tell Stacey had taken her clothes off as I could see her step into the first suit to try on.You could tell she had it on and was looking in the mirror by the way her feet turned and twisted. Eventually she peeked out to get my opinion and as always I would tell her they look great before trying on another one.When she pulled the curtain shut she somehow managed to leave it. "Oh my god, Ray, that feels so good," she hissed through clenched teeth. "That's it, suck me there, I have never had anyone do that before. I love it; please stick your tongue deeper up my arse." As I continued to tongue fuck Michelle's tight arse, I slipped my hand around to her pussy, and slowly pushed two fingers between her juicy labia and began to rub her erect clitoris. I could feel her juices starting to flow more heavily, the texture had thickened as her arousal increased. Satisfied her. "We don't have membership," Kath said as she climbed out of the car. "I'm sure you won't say anything" Not a fucking word" he said as she rubbed the growing mound in his pants. Kim came around squatted down before him and quickly pulled down his shorts. Kath started undoing his shirt as he said, "You girls certainly don't fuck about" No point in that" Kath said as she sucked on his left nipple. Kim had his fat cock in her hand and she was licking the end of it as it grew in size. Jack grabbed. .." Then how am I better off with a roommate?" Listen! This is going to sound disgusting, but you have to recycle your water." What? What do you mean?" You can't do it alone, but with two of you, you can drink from each other..." No! You don't mean..." Yeah, that's what I mean. You have to if you don't want to die of dehydration." But I can't do that!" You must if you want to live! Look, I know it's gross, it took a lot of convincing to get MY roommate to do it with me. But it's necessary if.
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