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In the main room, the host returned with a cheer from the audience of gathered men. He took a moment to admire his captive, her soft, pale skin drenched with sweat and cum but still as perfect as when he had tied her up, her firm breasts rising and falling with each breath, her gymnasts body and ample yet firm ass suspended for all to see by the ropes that held her fit, smooth legs apart. The other men stepped back, eying the girl hungrily as they waited eagerly to hear what would happen next.. My teacher at nursing college taught me. So lift up your hand.(I lifted up my hand and she placed it under my bare armpit. I was feeling shy. I had few small hairs in my arm pit. Now she took the stethoscope earphone and placed it in her ears and placed the tip of wire on my chest as if examining my lungs. Then she saw temperature and said)Hey you have a very high grade fever. You need to get an injection done” (She took a blunt pin and came to inject. I showed her my arm, but she moved me to. I resisted.Suddenly I was looking at his cock again as he spun around and I couldn't help but to soap up my own dick while looking at his. This time I noticed the beginnings of a six pack, his perfect chest and his face- I spun around quickly and almost slipped when I realized he had been facing me.Did he see me looking at him? Holy shit my dick is hard! fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!"If you're almost done I can give you a ride home." he said behind me. oh thank god, he didn't notice.For 4 days we met. Didi ki last year tha aur uske shadi kiliye ladke dekha ja rahi thi phir ek jagah rishta final ho gaya didi ki bba compete hote he shadi hogi date v final go gayi tab ek din mujhe ek unknown no se call aya uska naam roshan boli bo mujhe milne kiliye bulaya per mai nhi mana baad mai boli tere didi ki baat hai toh mai chup raha aur milne ko raji ho gaya bo hamara ghar se 1km dur ek dukan ke pass bulaya phir bola mai thumari didi ko pyar karta hu uski shadi tod do mai bola pagal ho kya bo bola han.
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