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We were up 38-35, with thirty seconds on the clock. They tried to score again, but were stopped outside of field goal range. We won that game and I was feeling great. After the game David, the second string quarter back(also a freshmen) who got in during the second half and throw the revoked TD and the pick, asked me if I wanted to stay the night at his house if Christean and I wanted to, he was my best friend and I was about to say 'yes' when Christean said "Were spending the night at my. The shaking car may not have been noticed since it was parked in a corner under shades of thick trees.She pushed her tits into my mouth as she was milking my cock.Finally when we climaxed it was like a volcanic explosion. As she lay panting on me, I licked and kissed her ear lobes. Luckily I happened to see in the rear view mirror that Driver was walking towards the car. I quitely kised her, bid goodbye, gave my mobile number and email Id, quietly opened the door and slid out. I was several. Digging into the right-hand cargo pocket I removed a plastic wrist cuff that I wrapped tightly around his friend’s crossed wrists. Max was only inches from his face when I told him, “You’re either the best or the stupidest friend I’ve ever encountered. Your actions tonight will cost you at least ten years of your life.” I pulled both prisoners to the bar where I searched them once I had them off balance—legs back and apart, leaning forward against the edge of the high wooden structure. . Aber heute… heute will auch ICH es. Erfreulicher Weise ist mein „kleiner Freund“ immer noch voll funktionsfähig! Sehr zur Freude meiner süßen Begleitung! Gleich zweimal kurz hintereinander lieben wir uns. Einmal liege ich dabei auf ihr, das zweite Mal reitet mich mein blonder Engel, als wäre sie der Teufel persönlich. So wild, so geil habe ich noch selten ein Mädchen gesehen! Hatte ich ihr meinen Samen beim ersten Mal noch tief in ihre Muschi gespritzt, so giert sie jetzt nach ihrem Orgasmus.
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