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" Kiss. "And when I'm away from you, I remember the conversations we've had in our private language." And Cindy's supposed to be the poetic one? That's beautiful?" Cindy doesn't write poetry. And what's beautiful?" The description of the way we communicate."She smiled. "We do. I noticed that about the second or third day I lived with you. I can read your eyes, Dan. I can see you talking and between the words you speak and the eyes, I know exactly what you're saying and how you feel about it.". She reached down and ran her finger threw her slit and stuck her fingers in my mouth her juices were amazingly tasty. As sweet as sugar its self with a very little musky taste. It was amazing all I could think as I want more. I leaned down and slowly kissing ever inch of her thigh down to the treat in the middle. Just brushing it with my goatee and to the other side kissing up her thigh and all the way up to her feet. Her legs were amazingly smooth her feet were perfect . Having the softest. He looked over my shoulder, saw my red Jeep and saw the two women in it.“Thirty-five dollars, cash,” he said as he handed me a key, “Take four, down there,” he pointed.I pulled up in front of the room, gave Cassie the key and told them to go in; I wanted to park around in back so my vehicle couldn’t be seen from the road.I took the first aid kit with me, Kari’s feet might need tending then me and Mutt rapped on the door, Kari opened it a crack.“It’s me,” I started to say but Mutt had already. Only the loser had to remove a piece of clothing. Before we started, everyone had removed their socks and shoes. The play was going pretty even when Tom said that the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted. I wasn’t too worried because I was the only one that hadn’t lost a hand yet and said okay just because everyone else was for it.Wouldn’t you know it? I lost the next two hands in a row. I couldn’t believe it. I was already down to my underwear and was really sweating the next hand. Truth.
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