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Now I know that having a young boy in the booths is just what they wanted but I just thought I caught the guy at a good time and he just let me go in. This was back when they still had 8 mm movies. I got a hand full of quarters and went to explore. I went into the first booth and dropped my quarter. I watched my first xxx video. I had jacked off a lot of times to my dads porn mags but had never seen it on film. You would think after watching my mom and dead fuck so much that a movie would. I told her, not a problem. She still had my balls by her left hand, she looked down at them, smiled and said, such nice small balls you have, can we make a deal? I looking at her asked, what kind of deal? With that big smile of hers she made a fist with her right hand and then placed her fist on my trapped balls. She then began rocking her fist left and right with the same force of her palm, she then looked at me with this big smile and asked, If you let me punch your balls trapped like this. She moved closer towards me as if unable to control her movement. This close, her scent was inebriating and lush. I breezed in through my mouth, letting the spicy sweetness of her sift through my teeth, relishing the way it played across my tongue.Fuck me dead, but I wanted to taste her.I wanted to drink from her.I wanted to take her.Before I knew what I was doing, I wiggled my arousal in front of her eyes, asking her with a mischievous grin: "Would you like a taste of that, sweetheart?"At the. The salty,sexy taste that only a penis has, rocked my senses and Ibegan to suck him further into my mouth."Come on, get those clothes off Pete, as good as thisfeels there will be plenty of time later. I want to doto you what that guy on screen is doing". The guy "onscreen" was still humping his friend for all he wasworth, while his friend who was on the receiving end ofthe action, was still bent over the couch with his handsout in front of him grabbing onto whatever he could, tohelp him.
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