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I eventual took it as second nature,like it was meant for me. We became one big happy girly family. Overtime I loved the soft clothes and all the attention.All four of us had many girly shopping trips and they bought melingerie, lots feminine clothes. I became so natural at dressing, I evenliked it, but only at home.I had no male friends, only played with my sisters and a couple of theirgirlfriends.I looked at Sue and was blown away. Here I thought my hypnotic thesiswas doing all this to. Then Jill remembered she had something to do. Jill stated that I should go home and relax for our tonight date. While you were sleeping I sent you a list of what I have plan for tonight to your email. Soon I hurried home to see what plans Jill had in mind. After opening my email she did sent me the following: At 6:30 picking you up and go to a Italian restaurant for a birthday dinner then return to your place for more of what happen last night and this morning. Then I looked at the wall. “Illaeydee naan snaanam panittoo bhagavaanukku pooja pannanumono,apporam amma aathukku poyittoo namaskaram pannitoo, ammaavaey azhachindu kovillukku ponumoliyo”. (after bath, I have to do pooja and then we have to to mother’s home and go to the temple) Shankar was at his orthodox best.He plonked himself on the stool and she applied oil on his head and all over his body, she was finding it difficult to do without oil spoiling her nightie .“Yeennaa , idha naan kazhatividavaa, oil aaradhu”( shall. Danny had gotten the key earlier in the day. Danny opened the door and they walked in. The room had a king size bed which would be perfect for making love on. * “Danny the room is perfect.” “A perfect room for a perfect lady.” “What a corny joke.” The couple giggled and Allyson sat on the bed. Danny loosened his tie and sat down next to Allyson. “Tonight’s the night. You promised we’d make love.” "We will make love. I've waited for this night for my whole life. I really love you.
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